First year development timeline: month 11 - Pregnancy

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First year development timeline: month 11

It’s the eleventh month of your baby’s life and your baby is still undergoing a lot of growth and development. What can you expect this month?

Sensory development:Your baby’s senses are very developed at this point and they are playing a key role in how he learns about the world around him.

needle, thread an dbuttons

Be careful with small objects, they’re choking hazards

Motor skills: Little objects are of greatest interest to your baby, because picking them up is very easy now. It is vital that you keep an eye on what your baby is picking up.

Mobility: Your baby should be sitting and crawling well by now. If your baby hasn’t begun walking yet, don’t worry, but be on the lookout for that important milestone. It’s just around the corner and could happen this month!

Cognitive development:Your baby’s memory and brain are developed enough now that you can start to discipline him. He’ll remember what behaviours are bad now, but you need to be patient. Babies are curious and will test everything, a firm “no” will do the trick. This month you can also try explaining why certain things are bad to do, which will be great for your baby’s communication skills too.

Two babies at the beach

Playdates are an important part of your baby’s development

Communication skills: Your baby’s communication skills are at an important stage in their development. This month it is time to stop using baby talk and to try to only talk to your baby using a real language (or languages). Act as a translator, if your baby refers to an object with one of his sounds, make sure you repeat the object’s name to him and use it in a sentence too. Feels like a Spelling Bee doesn’t it?

Dietary developments: Your baby is probably experimenting with lots of new foods, but remember to avoid sugary foods and to continue breastfeeding or giving him formula so he gets all of the nutrients he needs.

To help your baby develop his communication skills you have to talk to him a lot. You’ll soon find he’s the best listener you know and his hugs and kisses will always make you feel better.

Month 11 Tip: Arrange playdates. Playdates help your baby develop important social skills, including: how to make friends and how to share. If none of your friends have babies, give your birthing class friends a call.

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