Healthy options for unhealthy pregnancy cravings - Pregnancy

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Healthy options for unhealthy pregnancy cravings

raspberries a craving substitute

Raspberries may just satisfy a craving for sour gummy bears

Here’s a list you can use as a tool to help you substitute your unhealthy pregnancy cravings with healthier options so that you can successfully maintain a healthy pregnancy diet. We hope it helps!

Are you craving ice-cream?

Try frozen yogurt, sorbet, sherbet or popsicles as healthy substitutes.

Vegan Ice Cream Recipe

Are you craving doughnuts and/or pastries?

Try a whole wheat bagel instead and if you spread a little bit of strawberry preserve on it, it will give it that sweet kick your body probably wants.

Banana Bread with Oats Recipe

Are you craving crisps/chips?

Why not opt for baked crisps/chips instead or pretzels or some lightly salted popcorn.

Pretzel and Peanut Butter Bites

Are you craving chocolate?

This one is a hard one to substitute, after all what’s half as good as chocolate? We suggest seeing if a glass of chocolate milk or a hot chocolate satisfies your chocolate craving. Take a look at some amazing chocolate recipes, you can find some really healthy ones which will help you find a balance. If not opt for the smallest bar of dark chocolate you can find, because eating dark chocolate during pregnancy in small quantities is actually good for you and gives you some essential iron, that’s win-win if you ask us. However, this isn’t something we recommend on a daily basis.

Are you craving cakes, cookies and/or pie?

Try banana or zucchini bread or any other kind of fruity bread which has less sugar and more important vitamins for your body.

Do you have any of your own pregnancy cravings substitutes?

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