trouble sleeping - Pregnancy

trouble sleeping

Pregnant woman suffering with heartburn


One of the most uncomfortable, annoying and unfortunately common pregnancy symptoms is heartburn. Luckily, it is completely harmless, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to avoid it. You may have never suffered from heartburn before, but chances are that once you are more than 20 weeks pregnant you will begin to experience heartburn, which […]

Coffee and cigarettes make sleeping difficult

Solutions for trouble sleeping

Having trouble sleeping is one of the most frustrating pregnancy symptoms you will experience, but not all hope is lost as there are several things you can do to help you sleep better at night. Below you will find a list of several different anti-trouble sleeping tactics you can try. However, you will notice that […]

Pregnant woman unable to sleep

Trouble sleeping

Trouble sleeping during pregnancy is a very common pregnancy symptom that affects around 80% of all pregnant women. It is particularly noted during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. It seems that most pregnancy symptoms aren’t as pronounced during the second trimester, I guess you could say trimester 2 is the calm in the […]

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