UNICEF - Pregnancy


trick or treat for unicef

Trick-or-treat for UNICEF

Everyone knows that October 31st means Halloween has arrived, however very few people also know that in 1967 President Lyndon  B. Johnson declared October 31st National UNICEF Day in America. National UNICEF Day does not fall on October 31 by coincidence, in fact October 31st was chosen as the day to celebrate UNICEF’s work as […]

UNICEF Kangaroo Care programme

Have you heard about kangaroo care?

Giving birth to a premature baby is difficult no matter what, but in a developing nation where resources and training are severely limited it is even harder for both the mother and her baby. Recognising this challenge, UNICEF (The United Nations Children’s Fund) launched a project four years ago in Malawi called Kangaroo Care. Today […]

United Nations International Day of the Girl Child

International Day of The Child

In 2011 the United Nations General Assembly established October 11 as the official International Day of the Girl Child as a means of recognising the rights of young girls across the world and the challenges which they face. This year is the first year this day is being celebrated and the theme is “Ending Child […]

baby sucking breast

World Breastfeeding Week

Who’s heard about World Breastfeeding Week? Well, if you haven’t we’re going to give you the 411 on exactly what’s happening. When and where is World Breastfeeding Week celebrated? From August 1 to August 7 World Breastfeeding Week is being celebrated in over 170 countries across the world. It isn’t the first time either. In […]

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