Testing for gestational diabetes - Pregnancy

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Testing for gestational diabetes

As 40-60% of gestational diabetes cases exhibit no symptoms, it is vital for you and your baby’s health that you are tested for the condition between week 24 and week 28 of pregnancy. A blood test is the best way to determine if you are suffering from gestational diabetes, though sometimes a urine test may be used.

diabetes test

Have you been tested for gestational diabetes?

Your testing options:

  • Fasting glucose test. You fast for several hours and then your blood glucose levels are measured.
  • 2 hour postprandial glucose test. Your blood glucose levels are tested 2 hours after you eat.
  • Random glucose test. There is no fasting or waiting beforehand.
  • Screening glucose challenge test. You are given a glucose solution to drink and a few hours afterwards your blood glucose levels are measured.
  • Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). You are given a glucose solution to drink and then your blood glucose levels are measured at several intervals, including immediately after ingesting the solution.

Warning: The glucose solution is very sweet and often causes nausea.
How to treat gestational diabetes

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