Top baby names of 2011: England and Wales - Pregnancy

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Top baby names of 2011: England and Wales

So you’re wondering what are currently the most popular names in England and Wales? Well, thanks to the information we obtained from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) we’re able to answer your question.

You can either visit our pages with the data for baby boy names and baby girl names or you can continue reading our analysis to find out what names top the list and which ones are on the rise. Whether, you’re looking for name ideas or trying to avoid your baby sharing a name with other students in his class, we hope this information helps!

Baby girl

The X Factor won’t know what hit them when I show up for my audition!

In 2011 the names Harry and Amelia knocked Olivia and Oliver out of the top spot for most popular baby names in England and Wales. Are you thinking what we’re thinking? Yep, the X factor is definitely influencing our lives. This is even more obvious with the name Lily coming in as the third most popular baby girl name and the most popular one in Wales alone. The name Oliver has managed to hold on to its top spot in Wales.

For the boys, the names: Jack, Joshua, Thomas, James and Harry have remained in the top 10 and Jacob is a new entry. The top 100 includes new entries: Tommy, Blake, Frankie, Elijah and Jackson.

Little boy colouring

Jackson: World Famous Artist, that’s me!

Meanwhile, for the girls, the names: Olivia, Jessica, Emily and Sophie have managed to retain a place in the top 10 names in England and Wales. However, Ava and Isabella have replaced the names Evie and Chloe in the top 10 rankings. The top 100 includes new entries: Bella, Willow, Elsie, Kayla, Francesca and Lydia. The influence of Hollywood and the media is once again obvious with Bella (the main character in Twilight) and Willow (Will Smith’s daughter) rising in popularity.

I London, Daniel and Isabella are the most popular boy and girl names respectively. Overall, the ONS registered 28,000 baby boy names and 35,000 baby boy names in 2011, which indicates a growing diversity in the naming of babies.

Need help picking a baby name: check out our articles about baby name ideas and questions to consider before deciding on a name.

Top baby names in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

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