Survival Guides - Pregnancy

Survival Guides

Dad’s survival guide: trimester 3 continued

27 August 2012 | 8:32 am

Talk to your baby.It’s never too early to start bonding with your baby and you can go one step further and either read or play your favourite music for him or her. Remember, be wary of those days your partner does not want her bump touched. Keep cleaning. Since trimester 1 we’ve told you to […]


Dad’s survival guide: trimester 3

24 August 2012 | 9:59 am
baby shower buffet

Trimester 3 – the final stretch! In the third trimester things get a little bit crazier as it all becomes so much more real than before. Don’t worry though, you’ll get through it and you’re going to be an amazing dad! Your partner’s pregnancy hormones and their accompanying pregnancy symptoms have only gotten worse. Bear […]


Dad’s survival guide: trimester 2 continued

24 August 2012 | 8:56 am
man kissing wife's baby bump

Spoil her. Firstly, put your first trimester massage skills to work, her back and feet will be aching more than ever. Secondly, take her out. It was a good idea in trimester 1 and it’s still a good idea. Dinner, the cinema, a day trip or even a weekend away are great ideas. Read our […]


Dad’s survival guide: trimester 2

24 August 2012 | 8:48 am
baby girl

Congratulations! You’ve either made it to trimester 2 or you’re on the ball and getting prepared for it already, which is great. The second trimester is a whole other story from trimester 1. Your partner will probably have a bit more energy, more libido and a larger appetite. However, we hate to break it to […]


Dad’s survival guide: trimester 1 continued

23 August 2012 | 12:38 pm
dirty dishes in a sink

Help out around the house. We don’t doubt you already do your fair share of housework, but it’s a good idea to pick up a few of her’s as well, especially those she won’t be able to do as her pregnancy progresses. Even if you think she spends all day resting she’s going to have […]


Dads’ Survival Guide: Trimester 1

23 August 2012 | 12:15 pm
last will and testament document

Alright gentlemen, it’s the first trimester and we’re going to be honest with you, your partner’s hormones are already running wild and her pregnancy symptoms are probably already in full swing. On top of all of that there is a lot to organise and you don’t really have time to procrastinate. Don’t worry though, you […]


Dads’ Pregnancy Survival Guide

23 August 2012 | 11:14 am
baby bump held by both parents

You may not be the one who is pregnant, but the next 9 months are going to be an incredible experience for you too. For that reason, we decided we would offer you a helping hand so that you can be involved in the entire pregnancy and avoid being in the line of fire when […]


10 things not to do during labour

26 July 2012 | 2:58 pm
Dad holding newborn

The advice we have given you on what you can do during labour is useful, but trust us our advice on what NOT to do is indispensable. If you follow these 10 tips it will save you a lot of trouble after your partner has delivered your baby. 1. Never eat in front of her. […]


Tips for dads during labour

26 July 2012 | 12:03 pm
mum and dad with baby belly

There are several things you can do during labour to not only help your partner throughout the process, but also to rack up some of those ever important brownie points. So take a look and get ready for a challenging, but incredible, experience! 1. Prepare yourself. Read up on the entire labour process and what […]

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