Constipation: prevention and relief - Pregnancy

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Constipation: prevention and relief

Constipation is a frustrating and embarrassing, yet very common pregnancy symptom. At ThePregnancyNet we know many mothers just want to know what they can do to prevent constipation and get rid of it if it strikes. Below you can find a list of easy methods for avoiding and relieving pregnancy constipation.

constipation relief

Fresh and dried fruits are great sources of fibre.

  • Add fibre to your diet. Fibre can be sourced from whole grain carbohydrates and fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also add a teaspoon of unprocessed wheat bran to your morning cereal or yoghurt to get you going each day.
  • Keep hydrated. Water does wonders for your body, but a daily glass of prune juice and a warm drink to kickstart your day can really help especially if you are already suffering from constipation.
  • Exercise. This will get all your systems going, including your digestive tract, so go for a swim or walk or do some yoga everyday.
  • Go to the bathroom.If you need to go, just go. Holding any bowel movement in only encourages constipation and increases your risk of hemorrhoids.

    constipation relief

    You may need to readjust your prenatal vitmains if you’re suffering from constipation.

  • Reduce your iron intake. Are you on iron supplements? Or do your prenatal vitamins contain a lot of iron? If so speak with your healthcare provider about reducing your iron intake or adjusting the prenatal vitamins you are currently taking.
  • Visit your doctor. When all else fails, ask your doctor about what over the counter stool softeners and fiber supplements are safe to take to help ease your constipation. Remember, you must NEVER take laxatives during your pregnancy.

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