14 weeks pregnant - Pregnancy

14 weeks pregnant

Woman with morning sickness

Morning sickness

More than 50% of all pregnant women experience morning sickness, which is one of the most well-known pregnancy symptoms. However, those of you who suffer with morning sickness know that it can actually last all day long. As the day progresses the nausea and vomiting usually eases up, but unfortunately there are exceptions to the […]

silhouette of pregnant woman


Relaxin is a protein hormone, which you are going to love in the delivery room! It is produced in your ovaries, breasts and placenta. The placenta accounts for the increase in your relaxin levels during pregnancy. Normally, relaxin levels peak in your body on day 14 of your menstrual cycle and drop again if your […]

hairy guinea pig


Lanugo is a downy hair which covers your baby between week 14 and week 30 of pregnancy and which should be completely shed by week 38. It is a normal part of all pregnancies and is how your baby keeps warm before he begins to develop fat. The fetus usually ends up drinking the shed […]

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