sexual intercourse - Pregnancy

sexual intercourse

Pain management after an episiotomy

An episiotomy or perineotomy is not a pleasant experience, especially during the first month after your baby’s birth when your incision is healing. We’re sorry mum, we hate to be the bearers of bad news. While recovering from an episiotomy most mothers report having constant pain in the location of the incision, pain when they […]


Conception is the more colloquial term for fertilisation, a 3 step process, which occurs during the first two weeks of pregnancy and ends with the fusion of the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg or ovum. Step 1 involves the production of gametes, the cells which carry all of the genetic information necessary for reproduction. […]


Fertilisation is the more scientific term for conception, a 3 step process, which occurs during the first two weeks of pregnancy and ends with the fusion of the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg or ovum. Step 1 involves the production of gametes, the cells which carry all of the genetic information necessary for reproduction. […]

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