Important vitamins for your pregnancy - Pregnancy

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Important vitamins for your pregnancy

During pregnancy, vitamins are crucial to the development  of both you and your baby and a healthy diet is the best way to ensure that you both get all the vitamins you need.

Vitamin deficienceies are most common in those who:

However, all pregnant women are at risk since they now need enough vitamins to satisfy two. As a result it is sometimes necessary for pregnant women to take vitamin supplements. If you suspect that you may have a vitamin deficiency it is best to consult your physician as he/she can provide you with all the information that you need and give you a prescription if necessary. You must also remember to be careful with vitamin supplements, because excessive intake can be harmful to the health of you and your baby.

The most important vitamins for you and your baby are:

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is very important for your baby, especially during the first 8 weeks of your baby’s growth.
More about vitamin A and pregnancy.

Vitamin B6: During the first weeks of pregnancy vitamin B6 can help to decrease symptoms associated with morning sickness.
More about vitamin B6 and pregnancy.

Vitamin B12: If you are a vegan and breastfeeding your child it is important to keep an eye on your vitamin B12 levels.
More about vitamin B12 and pregnancy.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is important for you and your baby’s health.
More about vitamin C and pregnancy.

Vitamin D: Pregnant and breastfeeding women who do not eat dairy products or who have little exposure to the sun can get a vitamin D deficiency; this can lead to seizures and a slowing down of your baby’s heart rate.
More about vitamin D and pregnancy.

Vitamin E: In the last twelve weeks of pregnancy your body starts to give Vitamin E to your baby. Premature babies are at great risk for vitamin E deficiencies.
More about vitamin E and pregnancy.

Folic Acid: Folic acid is essential to the healthy development of your baby.
More about Folic Acid and pregnancy.

Check out our blog post about Eating Well During Your Pregnancy

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