varicose veins - Pregnancy

varicose veins

pregnancy symptoms


It is quite likely that during your pregnancy you will experience a nosebleed at least once. Don’t worry, this is a completely normal pregnancy symptom that is harmless, though it can be quite an inconvenient and unpleasant experience. Like varicose veins and hemorrhoids, nosebleeds are the result of extra progesterone in your body which relaxes […]

pregnancy skin changes

Skin changes during pregnancy

During pregnancy your body undergoes a lot of changes and your skin is not immune to these changes. Skin changes are a common symptom of pregnancy and unfortunately some of them cannot be avoided. However, that doesn’t mean all hope is lost and there are some that you can keep at bay using a few […]

preventing varicose veins

Preventing varicose veins

Varicose veins are a pesky pregnancy symptom everyone wants to avoid and the good news is that there are several things you can do to prevent or at least limit the appearance of varicose veins during your pregnancy. What’s even better is that many of these tactics also reduce the likelihood of leg cramps! Exercise […]

pregnancy symptoms

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are an unfortunate, yet harmless pregnancy symptom several women experience during pregnancy. Varicose veins are swollen veins that form blue or purple bulges near the surface of your skin. During pregnancy varicose veins are usually observed in your legs and sometimes your vulva and usually worsen as your pregnancy progresses. They are caused […]

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