Morning sickness - Pregnancy - Page 2

Morning sickness

lavatory sign

hCG: human chorionic gonadotropin

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is the king of all pregnancy hormones, so much so that some people call it “the announcer of pregnancy”. From the moment you conceive your body starts to produce hCG, therefore it is the hormone that all pregnancy tests measure in order to determine if you are pregnant or not. hCG […]

Signs and symptoms of early pregnancy

15 signs and symptoms of early pregnancy

Figuring out if you’re pregnant can be tricky business, so to help you out we’re giving you a list of the 15 most common signs and symptoms of early pregnancy. Remember though, many of these symptoms can be attributed to other factors, which means if you are only experiencing one or two of these symptoms […]

Am I pregnant with multiples?

Determining whether your pregnant with multiples is not easy, but with medical technology today it is a lot easier than before. Let’s put it this way, our mothers’ generation had a lot more surprises at birth than we do now! Most multiple births are not noticeable during the first trimester. This is because your body […]

Vitamin B6 and pregnancy

Vitamin B6 and pregnancy

If you are suffering from morning sickness in the  first weeks of pregnancy, vitamin B6 can help decrease the symptoms. Vitamin B6, like folic acid and vitamin B12, is a B vitamin. Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin. The body uses vitamin B6 for protein metabolism. Sources of  vitamin B6: Meat Fish Vegetables […]

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