ovaries - Pregnancy


How to tell if your fallopian tubes are blocked

How do I tell if my fallopian tubes are blocked? If you have noticed that you are having difficulty conceiving then the first thing you should do is visit your physician to discuss the matter. Your doctor will need to know your medical history, especially with respect to any STD’s, endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory that […]

Blocked fallopian tubes

Your fallopian tubes are the small tubes which connect your ovaries and uterus. When you ovulate, your ovaries release an egg which then has to travel to your womb in order for conception to occur. Your egg makes this journey via your fallopian tubes. If you suffer from blocked fallopian tubes you will probably also […]

box of tissues


We know this is probably not a new hormone for most mums-to-be, because it’s always busy at work in the female body. However, during pregnancy this hormone ups its game and does even more than normal. Estrogen is actually a group of 3 hormones: estrone, estradiol and estriol (which the placenta produces). All three are […]

Polycystic ovarian syndrome - PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome – PCOS

If you suffer from Polycystic ovarian syndrome and are trying to get pregnant you are probably wondering how the condition affects your fertility and whether there are options available to enhance your chances. What is PCOS? PCOS is when your ovaries are covered with fluid-filled sacs called ‘cysts.’ These cysts create a barrier, which means […]

Fertility medication

Fertility medication

Fertility medication is a reproduction option that can be used to enhance fertility. Fertility medication is popular with women, however, there are currently still very few options available for men. What you need to know about Fertility medication Fertility medication are drugs that enhance reproductive fertility. For women, fertility medication is used to stimulate the […]

Ectopic pregnancy: diagnosis

An ectopic or tubal pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilised egg implants outside of the uterine cavity. The egg will usually implant in the fallopian tube, but other ectopic pregnancies include implantation in the ovaries, the cervix and the horns of the uterus. Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancies have become more common since the mid-1980s […]

Ectopic pregnancy: risk factors

An ectopic or tubal pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilised egg implants outside of the uterine cavity. The egg will usually implant in the fallopian tube, but other ectopic pregnancies include implantation in the ovaries, the cervix and the horns of the uterus. Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancies have become more common since the mid-1980s […]

Ectopic pregnancy: signs and symptoms

An ectopic or tubal pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilised egg implants outside of the uterine cavity. The egg will usually implant in the fallopian tube, but other ectopic pregnancies include implantation in the ovaries, the cervix and the horns of the uterus. Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancies have become more common since the mid-1980s […]

Ectopic pregnancy: Treatment

An ectopic or tubal pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilised egg implants outside of the uterine cavity. The egg will usually implant in the fallopian tube, but other ectopic pregnancies include implantation in the ovaries, the cervix and the horns of the uterus. Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancies have become more common since the mid-1980s […]

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