trimester 3 - Pregnancy - Page 3

trimester 3

Exercise during pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy

Although you may not feel like exercising, there are a lot benefits to be gained from exercising and maintaining a healthy diet during your pregnancy. It will help you to regulate your weight throughout your 40 weeks of pregnancy and to relax, which is essential during pregnancy, especially when you are feeling uncomfortable, stressed and […]

Am I pregnant with multiples?

Determining whether your pregnant with multiples is not easy, but with medical technology today it is a lot easier than before. Let’s put it this way, our mothers’ generation had a lot more surprises at birth than we do now! Most multiple births are not noticeable during the first trimester. This is because your body […]

Vitamin E and pregnancy

Vitamin E and pregnancy

In the last twelve weeks of pregnancy your body starts to provide your baby with vitamin E. As a result, premature babies are at the greatest risk of suffering from a vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin E, which is also known as alpha-tocopherol, is a fat-soluble vitamin. Like vitamin C, vitamin E is an anti-oxidant. It […]

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