umbilical cord - Pregnancy

umbilical cord

Making decisions for your baby's future is difficult.

Banking on your baby’s blood: private or public?

Banking umbilical cord blood is a growing trend as the stem cells umbilical cord blood contains are proving to successfully treat a wide range of severe diseases and disorders and there is even more hope for future uses of these stem cells. Many parents who have decided to bank their baby’s cord blood are faced […]

umbilical cord blood ha slife saving stem cells

Umbilical cord blood banking

Banking umbilical cord blood is a growing trend as the stem cells umbilical cord blood contains are proving to successfully treat a wide range of severe diseases and disorders and there is even more hope for future uses of these stem cells. However, the use of umbilical cord blood and its stem cells is still […]


An omphalocele is a congenital medical condition in which some of the baby’s abdominal organs remain outside of the its abdomen at birth. It is a scary condition, but it only occurs in about 2½ of every 10,000 births and it is treatable with surgery. More importantly, most babies go on to live perfectly normal […]


The placenta is a fetomaternal organ that is formed after fertilisation when the zygote implants into the mother’s uterine lining. It has 2 main components: the fetal placenta, which develops from the zygote, and the maternal placenta, which grows from the mother’s uterine tissue. The placenta grows throughout your pregnancy and at 40 weeks will […]

Umbilical cord: after birth

The umbilical cord stops pumping blood at birth due to the rapid decrease in temperature and thus becomes futile. The nurse, midwife or possibly even your partner will clamp the umbilical cord after birth, placing one clip near the belly button and another near the placenta. Now mums we know you’re already worrying about your […]

Umbilical Cord

The umbilical cord is one of your baby’s major lifelines while she is living in your womb, the other one is the placenta. The umbilical cord, which is fully formed by week 5, connects your baby to the placenta via her belly button and is considered to be a part of your baby as much […]

Baby in water

Water birth: a safe alternative?

Water births, or giving birth while you are immersed in a pool of warm water, is a birthing method that has become increasingly more common in the UK over the last two decades. And as usual its rising popularity is accompanied by some controversy in the world of medical professionals. On one hand, water births […]

Possible complications of multiple births

Multiple births are usually considered high-risk pregnancies, but this doesn’t mean your pregnancy will be unenjoyable. However, we have a compiled a list of the possible complications you may expect so that you can speak with your physician about all of the steps you can take to lower your risks and enjoy a healthy pregnancy. […]

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