Your Baby - Pregnancy - Page 2

Your Baby

Amniotic Fluid

Amniotic fluid is the clear, yellowish fluid that surrounds your baby in the amniotic sac. It is mainly made up of water, though from about week 10 of your pregnancy your baby will pass low levels of urine into it. Throughout your pregnancy you carry about 800 mL of amniotic fluid in your womb, but […]

Amniotic sac

The amniotic sac, which some people refer to as “the bag of waters”, is the sac of membranes in your womb in which your baby grows. The amniotic sac is made up of two thin, but strong, transparent membranes: the amnion and the chorion. The amnion is the inner membrane which contains your baby and […]

Difficulty conceiving

Difficulty conceiving

If you are having difficulty conceiving the first step is to find out why you are having problems and whether you are able to solve them. If you have been having regular unprotected sex for over a year then it is time to see your doctor. Why am I having difficulty conceiving? Poor egg quality […]

Eating well during pregnancy

Eating well during pregnancy

If you are pregnant you  probably have no appetite due to all that morning sickness, or you’re eating like there is no tomorrow! Many people don’t actually know the real reasons why a healthy diet is key during pregnancy. If you didn’t have a healthy lifestyle prior to pregnancy then you need to start now. […]


Ultrasounds (a.k.a. obstetric sonography) are a medical technology which use high-frequency sound waves to produce an image of the inside of your body. These images are called sonograms and because they are in real time you can observe movement occurring inside of your body. That means you can see your baby moving! Ultrasounds, like any […]


A fetus is the scientific term for your baby after he has completed the embryonic stage and before he is born. In other words your baby is considered a fetus between week 10 and week 40. Unlike the zygotic and embryonic stages of your baby’s development, your fetus actually looks human. Congrats mum and dad […]


Your baby is scientifically known as a zygote for about 5-7 days after fertilisation. A zygote is best explained as the cell that results from the fusion of two gametes. In the case of your baby, the gametes are your partner’s sperm and your egg. Zygotes carry the genetic information which will determine what your […]

Vitamin A and pregnancy

Vitamin A and pregnancy

Vitamin A is very important for your baby, especially during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. It is important for the development of your baby’s immune system and fat metabolism, as well as the growth of your baby’s organs, bones, and respiratory, circulatory and central nervous systems. After birth, vitamin A is essential for you, […]

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