First year development timeline: month 10 - Pregnancy

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First year development timeline: month 10

It’s the tenth month of your baby’s life and your baby is still undergoing a lot of growth and development. What can you expect this month?

Sensory development: Your baby’s senses are very developed at this point and they are helping her learn about the world around her.

Motor skills:Your baby is busy this month refining her picking up skills, especially when it comes to tiny objects. Keep an eye out for any sharp objects or choking hazards!

baby wearing sunglasses in a carseat

Travelling by car won’t be an enjoyable experience for most babies this month

Mobility: Your baby may be rolling, crawling and even walking right now, but that doesn’t mean she likes traveling. At about this time many babies start to dislike traveling, because they are more aware of their surroundings and a different environment makes them very uncomfortable. The best advice we can offer is to make use of soothers and any other distractions when you travel.

Cognitive development: Your baby’s memory is starting to improve. She remembers where things are and what she has to do to get what she wants. It’s important to encourage her memory development using games and a lot of interaction.

Communication skills: Your baby is still more responsive to the tone of your voice than to the actual words you say. For example, when you say “no” she doesn’t understand what that word means, but knows the tone of your voice means she shouldn’t be doing something. Your baby is going to test how much she can get away with this month, so remember don’t cave in! Your baby’s babbling is also becoming more coherent. Continue having conversations with your baby to encourage her language development.

Dietary developments: Your baby is probably experimenting with lots of new foods, but remember to avoid sugary foods and to continue breastfeeding or giving her formula so she gets all of the nutrients she needs.

Your baby’s personality is becoming more obvious right about now. Is your baby shy? sociable? cheeky?…

Month 10 Tip: If your baby is suffering badly from separation anxiety try giving her a soother before you leave. The soother will help to pacify your baby and will teach her how to self-soothe.

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