Picking the right formula - Pregnancy

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Picking the right formula


There are several types of formula depending on your baby’s dietary needs, remember though it’s best to stick to just one type.

  • Cow-milk based formula: This type of formula has the best balance of ingredients and allows for easy digestion. It is made from cow’s milk which has been altered to resemble your breast milk. The closer the formula is to real breast milk the better.
  • Lactose-free formula: Designed for lactose intolerant babies, speak to your pediatrician for specific recommendations.
  • Soy based formula: This is a great alternative for vegans, lactose-intolerant babies, babies with colic and those that are having difficulty digesting cow-milk based formula.
  • Extensively hydrolysed formula: This type of formula includes proteins that have been broken down to their most basic form-amino acids. This type of formula is great for babies with skin conditions and milk allergies.
  • Anti-reflux formula: This type of formula incorporates rice starch into its ingredients to help babies who suffer from acid reflux problems.

    Bbay being bottlefed

    Cow-milk based or soy?
    Free courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

There is an extensive list of formula types, each designed for babies with specific dietary needs. If you think your baby needs a specific type of formula we recommend speaking with your physician for case specific advice.

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