Spooky pudding cups - Pregnancy

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Spooky pudding cups

Graveyard Chocolate Puddings as seen on
our Halloween Excitement Pinterest board


  • Jell-O pudding mixtures (chocolate or vanilla, depending on how you want to decorate your pudding cups)
  • Oreos or a similar chocolate biscuit
  • Either green food colouring or sugar cookies and chocolate frosting


Frankenstein Pudding Cups as seen on our
Halloween Excitement Pinterest board

1. Prepare the Jell-O pudding mixtures. Vanilla for the Frankenstein Pudding cups and chocolate for the Chocolate Graveyards. Add green food colouring to the vanilla pudding mixture to give it that Frankenstein touch.

2. Spoon the pudding into individual plastic cups to fully set.

3. Crush the oreos using a kitchen mallet. You can either remove the cream beforehand or leave the cookies fully stuffed, it’s up to you. The place the crushed oreos on the top of each individual pudding cup.

4. Using a black permanent marker draw scary faces onto your Frankenstein pudding cups (see image on the left for some ideas). For the chocolate graveyards place a store-brought or handmade sugar cookie into each cup so that it looks like a gravestone. Before doing this, use a fine nozzle icing bag or pump to write RIP on each cookie. You can use store-brought or homemade chocolate frosting, it’s completely up to you an dhow much time you have.

See more Halloween Recipes


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