Getting Pregnant - Pregnancy - Page 3

Getting Pregnant

Egg quality

26 July 2012 | 11:39 am
Egg quality

What is egg quality? All women have a fixed number of eggs in their body, which are released during ovulation and which can be fertilised by a sperm in order to create a baby. Many people believe that how many eggyou have is important, however, this is one of those situations in which quality is […]


Artificial insemination

25 July 2012 | 4:14 pm
Artificial insemination

What is artificial insemination? Artificial insemination is an option used for couples that are unable to conceive. Who is artificial insemination for? Women with ovulation problems. Mild endometrio. Unexplained infertility. If there is a problem with your man’s sperm or is he is suffering from erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation. If you are suffering from one […]


Sperm allergies

25 July 2012 | 1:35 pm
Sperm allergies

What is a sperm allergy? Both men and women can develop a sperm allergy, that is a negative reaction to sperm in your body. Your immune system develops sperm antibodies which repel sperm, which means it is very hard for those little guys to make it to their final destination: the egg. It is not […]


Polycystic ovarian syndrome – PCOS

24 July 2012 | 2:38 pm
Polycystic ovarian syndrome - PCOS

If you suffer from Polycystic ovarian syndrome and are trying to get pregnant you are probably wondering how the condition affects your fertility and whether there are options available to enhance your chances. What is PCOS? PCOS is when your ovaries are covered with fluid-filled sacs called ‘cysts.’ These cysts create a barrier, which means […]


Fertility medication

24 July 2012 | 10:37 am
Fertility medication

Fertility medication is a reproduction option that can be used to enhance fertility. Fertility medication is popular with women, however, there are currently still very few options available for men. What you need to know about Fertility medication Fertility medication are drugs that enhance reproductive fertility. For women, fertility medication is used to stimulate the […]


AFP test

24 July 2012 | 9:14 am

An AFP or maternal serum AFP test is a blood test that is carried out between week 16 and week 18 of pregnancy to test for any potential challenges to your baby’s development. The AFP test can be combined with other hormone tests making it a triple screen, quad screen or penta screen. AFP or […]


In vitro fertalisation (IVF)

24 July 2012 | 9:08 am
In vitro fertalisation (IVF)

What you need to know about In vitro fertalisation (IVF) IVF is one of the many solutions to any fertility problems you may be experiencing. This process involves the fertilisation of your egg by your partner’s sperm outside of your body (A.K.A. in-vitro). IVF is a major and expensive solution, therefore it is only used […]


Difficulty conceiving

23 July 2012 | 2:53 pm
Difficulty conceiving

If you are having difficulty conceiving the first step is to find out why you are having problems and whether you are able to solve them. If you have been having regular unprotected sex for over a year then it is time to see your doctor. Why am I having difficulty conceiving? Poor egg quality […]

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