conception - Pregnancy - Page 2


baby breastfeeding


Oxytocin is another important hormone and though it is what causes those painful contractions during labour, you wouldn’t be able to hold your gorgeous baby without it. Oxytocin has an important role in conception, labour and breastfeeding. In conception, oxytocin is the hormone that is responsible for your sexual arousal and of course if you […]

blonde girl holding head and screaming


Progesterone is a very important pregnancy hormone that is always at work in the female body, but during pregnancy its role becomes even more important. Progesterone is also known as the pro-pregnancy hormone, because without it your placenta and uterus cannot support your pregnancy. It has an important role not only during your pregnancy, but […]

lavatory sign

hCG: human chorionic gonadotropin

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is the king of all pregnancy hormones, so much so that some people call it “the announcer of pregnancyâ€. From the moment you conceive your body starts to produce hCG, therefore it is the hormone that all pregnancy tests measure in order to determine if you are pregnant or not. hCG […]

Polycystic ovarian syndrome - PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome – PCOS

If you suffer from Polycystic ovarian syndrome and are trying to get pregnant you are probably wondering how the condition affects your fertility and whether there are options available to enhance your chances. What is PCOS? PCOS is when your ovaries are covered with fluid-filled sacs called ‘cysts.’ These cysts create a barrier, which means […]

Difficulty conceiving

Difficulty conceiving

If you are having difficulty conceiving the first step is to find out why you are having problems and whether you are able to solve them. If you have been having regular unprotected sex for over a year then it is time to see your doctor. Why am I having difficulty conceiving? Poor egg quality […]

Is there an optimal sex position for conception?

Is there an optimal sex position for conception?

This is probably the most frequently asked question by couples who want to conceive and unfortunately, there is absolutely NO scientific evidence to give us a solid answer. How frustrating? Lucky for us, there are some theories and we at thought we’d share them with you. The first theory claims that any position which […]


Conception is the more colloquial term for fertilisation, a 3 step process, which occurs during the first two weeks of pregnancy and ends with the fusion of the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg or ovum. Step 1 involves the production of gametes, the cells which carry all of the genetic information necessary for reproduction. […]


Fertilisation is the more scientific term for conception, a 3 step process, which occurs during the first two weeks of pregnancy and ends with the fusion of the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg or ovum. Step 1 involves the production of gametes, the cells which carry all of the genetic information necessary for reproduction. […]

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