first stage of labour - Pregnancy

first stage of labour

clock with 3 hands

Braxton Hicks or real labour?

Knowing whether you’re experiencing Braxton Hicks or in real labour can be very difficult, especially late in your pregnancy when your due date is approaching and the Braxton Hicks are getting stronger. Firstly, Braxton Hicks are infrequent and irregular while real contractions have more rhythm. If you’re in real labour, your contractions will gradually get […]

woman drinking water

Alleviating Braxton Hicks

Braxton Hicks can be a right pain in the you know where! So we thought we would give you a few helpful tips to help you alleviate the discomfort they cause, especially near the end of your pregnancy. Drink water, Braxton Hicks are sometimes the result of dehydration Take some deep, slow breaths or practice […]


The third stage of labour

The third stage of labour is a piece of cake after making it through the first stage and second stage of labour. It starts at the end of your baby’s birth and ends with the delivery of your afterbirth or placenta. It lasts for anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes, though less than 10 minutes […]

baby an dumbilical cord

The second stage of labour

The second stage of labour is the pushing stage of labour and when your baby will be born! It begins once you are 10cm dilated and will continue until your baby is delivered into the world. This stage of labour lasts between one and two hours, but like in the first stage of labour, it […]

Pregnant mum holding belly

The first stage of labour

Stage 1 of labour is the stage in which dilation occurs and is divided into three distinct phases. This stage of labour is the longest and lasts for several hours. It begins with the first contraction you feel, which you must be careful is not a Braxton Hicks contraction, and ends when you are a […]

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