tips - Pregnancy


Couple walking off morning sickness

Easing morning sickness

Morning sickness is caused by your pregnancy hormones, especially your increased estrogen and progesterone levels. As you need these hormones to maintain your pregnancy you can’t really get rid of morning sickness if you suffer with it. However, below you can find a variety of hints and tips which should help you ease the nausea […]

Tips about healthcare abroad

Tips about healthcare abroad

If you are pregnant and thinking about going on holiday, you need to look into your destination and find out whether there are any essential steps you need to take before travelling. You need to look into healthcare abroad, ensure your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is up to date. Make sure you research  the […]

Tips for during your flight

Tips for during your flight

If you are going to be travelling for a certain amount of hours it is important that you are as comfortable as possible. Although it may seem difficult, here are 4 great tips that will help you complete your journey. Make sure that you are wearing loose fitted clothing. Circulation tights and socks are key! […]

Step by step guide to: Travelling in London while pregnant

Step by step guide to: Travelling in London while pregnant

If you live in London and have recently found out that you are pregnant, you are probably thinking ‘Oh gosh, public transport while pregnant will be a nightmare!’ London transport really can be a nightmare, especially the tube. The London underground can be extremely busy during rush hour and there is a great chance that […]

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