blog - Pregnancy


hyperemesis gravidarum

HG: The HD version of morning sickness

The recent hospitalization of the Duchess of Cambridge for a severe case of hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) has put this pregnancy condition into the limelight, but it’s been around for quite a long time. Approximately 3% of pregnant women suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum and 10-20% of this 3% will endure it for the duration of their […]

Baby Celebrations

The Thanksgiving story

We’ve all been there, your kid comes to you and asks “Mom why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?” “When did it start?” “What’s the Thanksgiving story?” Unfortunately, most of us can only answer with it’s a day to give thanks that started with a dinner between the Pilgrims and Native Americans and we don’t really remember […]

November 20

Universal Children’s Day

Established in 1954 as recommended by the United Nations’ General Assembly (UNGA), November 20 is Universal Children’s Day, an important day celebrated in more than 100 countries. Why was Universal Children’s Day instituted? To protect children who were subjected to child labour conditions. To provide all children with access to an education. How has Universal […]

premature birth

World Prematurity Day

November 17th is a very important day and as it is only the second time this day has ever carried so much importance, very few people realise just how significant November 17th is. November 17th is World Prematurity Day, a day of events and activities organised by over 50 international organisations in order to raise […]

Is Thanksgiving ruined?

Is Thanksgiving ruined?

Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cider and pumpkin pie are just some of the amazing Thanksgiving foods we spend all year dreaming about and it’s almost that time of year again, but you’re pregnant. Does that mean Turkey Day is ruined? When you’re pregnant you have to be extra careful about what you eat, which means […]

Surprise twins

Surprise, you’re expecting twins…

“And that’s the second heartbeat…” “The second what?!?!” Finding out you’re expecting twins or even more multiples can be an emotional roller coaster. You literally feel the entire spectrum of emotions: excitement, worry, anxiety, luck, shock and premature exhaustion to name a few. Irregardless, having twins is an incredible experience and if you’re expecting more […]

Fish vs mercury

A Balancing Act

Maintaining a healthy pregnancy diet can be quite the balancing act and it seems it just got a little bit more difficult. A recent study has revealed that women with high mercury blood levels during pregnancy are 40-70% more likely to have a child who exhibits signs and symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). […]

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink October

When October rolls around we all get caught up in the excitement of Halloween and often forget October is an important month for another reason, it’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As women and even more so as mothers, breast cancer is a constant threat in our lives. It’s a scary reality, but in October […]

trick or treat for unicef

Trick-or-treat for UNICEF

Everyone knows that October 31st means Halloween has arrived, however very few people also know that in 1967 President Lyndon  B. Johnson declared October 31st National UNICEF Day in America. National UNICEF Day does not fall on October 31 by coincidence, in fact October 31st was chosen as the day to celebrate UNICEF’s work as […]

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