diet - Pregnancy - Page 3


heart shaped rice and grains

Vegan and pregnant

If you’re a vegan and pregnant making sure you and your baby are getting those ever important nutrients during your pregnancy can be tricky at times. Like vegetarians, you need to ensure you’re getting enough iron, omega-3, zinc, vitamin E and calcium, so check our page “vegetarian and pregnant” for sources of these nutrients. However, […]

Father holding baby

What causes couvade syndrome?

Couvade syndrome, also known as a sympathetic pregnancy, is an interesting condition in which future dads experience some of the same pregnancy symptoms as their partners. Mums you’re probably thinking “what a load of…!”, while we’re sure you dads are thinking “I knew there was a good reason I’ve gained so much weight.” It is […]

Eating well during pregnancy

Eating well during pregnancy

If you are pregnant you  probably have no appetite due to all that morning sickness, or you’re eating like there is no tomorrow! Many people don’t actually know the real reasons why a healthy diet is key during pregnancy. If you didn’t have a healthy lifestyle prior to pregnancy then you need to start now. […]

Sunday roast beef during pregnancy


Dinner can be a hard meal to face during pregnancy, because you may not feel very hungry when dinner time rolls around. However, you should still try to eat something, because you and your baby both need those nutrients to get you through the night. This doesn’t mean you have to eat a big meal, […]

soup for lunch when pregnant


A big lunch is not a must, in fact during your pregnancy, it’s better to have a few small meals throughout the day rather than three big meals. So keep it simple and embrace snack-time! Remember, your stomach is going to feel a lot smaller than normal due to your enlarged uterus, so eating small […]

Fruit smoothie as a pregnancy snack


It is important to snack throughout the day when you are pregnant, because as you will notice or maybe have already noticed, you can’t eat as much as you used to in one sitting especially as your due date approaches. This is because as your uterus expands and your baby grows you have less room […]

eggs and ham for pregnancy breakfast


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make sure you are eating a nutritious breakfast everyday. It will also help to keep your energy levels up until lunchtime! Here are some ideas for a healthy breakfast during your pregnancy and even afterwards. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you have to have […]

Options for your pregnancy diet

Pregnancy diet

Your pregnancy diet is very important, because your body is working hard to prepare for the arrival of your little one. It is essential that you take care of yourself, drink enough water and get all of the nutritients and vitamins you need for the duration of your pregnancy. We know it’s not always easy […]

Important vitamins for your pregnancy

During pregnancy, vitamins are crucial to the development  of both you and your baby and a healthy diet is the best way to ensure that you both get all the vitamins you need. Vitamin deficienceies are most common in those who: are lactose intolerant vegetarian vegan celiac suffer from high levels of stress smoke drink […]

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