HCG - Pregnancy


Pregnancy testing tips

When taking a home pregnancy test we know your emotions are running wild, so we thought we would give you a few helpful tips to make sure you don’t let your emotions reduce the accuracy of your pregnancy test. Some of these tips will also help to make the whole process a little easier for […]

Reasons for a false positive

A home pregnancy test can give a false positive reading if: Blood or protein is present in your urine. You are taking certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, anticonvulsants and hypnotics. You check the pregnancy test a few hours later and see a second line where there once wasn’t one. This is an evaporation line, so […]

False positive reading on a pregnancy test

Reasons for a false negative

A home pregnancy test can give you a false negative reading if: The pregnancy test you are you using is expired. You didn’t follow the instructions properly, such as not waiting the full amount of time before checking the panel. You took the test too soon, meaning your hCG levels are too low to be […]

Pregnancy test accuracy

Finding out you’re pregnant is a life changing event, which means the last thing you want is a false negative or a false positive, because no one’s emotions can handle that kind of a roller coaster. The accuracy of a pregnancy test depends on 4 main things: How well you follow the instructions provided with […]

qualitative versus quantitative pregnancy test

Quantitative vs qualitative pregnancy tests

Quantitative Pregnancy Test A quantitative blood pregnancy test is a pregnancy test that measures the amount of hCG, the pregnancy hormone, present in your blood. During the first trimester of your pregnancy your hCG levels should rise rapidly, doubling every 2-3 days. For this reason doctors often use quantitative blood pregnancy tests to monitor the […]

Blood pregnancy test

Blood pregnancy tests are pregnancy tests that can only be conducted at your doctor’s office and are used to not only to confirm your pregnancy, but to also monitor the first trimester of your pregnancy. A blood pregnancy test is even more accurate than a urine pregnancy test, which has an accuracy rate of 97%. […]

Urine pregnancy test

Urine pregnancy tests can be taken at home or carried out at your doctor’s office. They have an accuracy rate of approximately 97%, which means there is a very low chance that you will get a false positive or negative reading. However, if you take a home pregnancy test too soon your chances of getting […]

Am I pregnant

Pregnancy tests

A pregnancy test is the best way to find out if you are pregnant or not. But how exactly does it work? Well, a pregnancy test measures the amount of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) present in your blood or urine, if there is more than 25 mIU of hCG for every mililitre of […]

pregnancy symptom bathroom

Frequent urination

Have you found yourself going to the bathroom incessantly since you discovered you were pregnant? Actually, let’s be honest you probably noticed that before you found out you were pregnant as it is one of the first signs of pregnancy. We wish we could tell you that this is one of those pregnancy symptoms that […]

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