PPH - Pregnancy


woman sleeping on bed

Treating PPH

PPH or postpartum haemorrhages are treated in stages depending on how major the PPH is and at what point the bleeding stops. Here is a step-by-step look at the treatment procedure of a PPH. 1. Injection or IV (intravenous) of either oxytocin or misoprostol, though oxytocin is the preferred medication, together with a massage of […]

Mum holding belly

PPH risk factors

There are several risk factors for PPH, but these risk factors tend to be few and far between. Below is a list of the possible risk factorsjust so you can get an idea. antepartum haemorrhage placenta previa multiple pregnancy pre-eclampsia nulliparity a previous PPH maternal obesity Asian ethnic origin C-sections (planned and emergency, though emergency […]

PPH (Postpartum haemorrhage)

A PPH, or postpartum haemorrhage, is the leading cause of maternal death across the world and occurs in about 5% of births. A PPH involves the mother losing more than 500 mL of blood after she delivers her baby. If she loses more than 1000 mL it is considered to be a major PPH. Once […]

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