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Treating PPH
PPH or postpartum haemorrhages are treated in stages depending on how major the PPH is and at what point the bleeding stops. Here is a step-by-step look at the treatment procedure of a PPH.
1. Injection or IV (intravenous) of either oxytocin or misoprostol, though oxytocin is the preferred medication, together with a massage of your uterus in attempt to get it to contract.
2. Catheterisation to ensure the bladder is empty as this can impact whether your uterus contracts or not.
3. If you have not yet delivered your afterbirth, your doctor will then reach into your uterus to manually remove it. At this point most PPHs cease and recovery is the next step.
4. However, if manual placental removal fails, you will be taken to the operating room where you will undergo a full vaginal exam to check for lacerations and any more retained placental tissue.
5. If blood loss continues you will be given a transfusion and in the worst case scenario a hysterectomy may need to be undertaken to control the bleeding.
Once treatment has been completed, you will be monitored and kept on IV fluids and medication. You will probably feel lightheaded and weak during this phase of recovery. When you return home you will probably be suffering from a treatable anemia. For this, your doctor will have you take iron supplements, folic acid and prenatal vitamins.
Tags: afterbirth, anemia, delivery, hysterectomy, labour, placenta, placental removal, postpartum haemorrhage, PPH, pregnancy, pregnancy vitamins, pregnant, transfusion