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Tips for breastfeeding in public

Breastfeeding in public can be a bit complicated, mostly because there is so much debate on whether it is appropriate or not. However, we know many mums really don’t have the option of not breastfeeding in public, after all if your baby is hungry you have to feed him. So we thought we would give you a few helpful tips on the do’s and don’ts of breastfeeding in public. We hope they help!


  • Buy a nursing bra. This will be easier for you and also help you to be discreet when you breastfeed in public.

  • Wear accessible clothes. Button down tops are probably your best bet, because they don’t expose as much skin, though some women strongly recommend a nice big t-shirt for easy access.

  • Buy a breastfeeding blanket. However, be warned some babies are very opposed to breastfeeding blankets, so this isn’t always a safe investment. Also, some mums think a big blanket only draws attention to what you are doing, so it really depends on whether you are more concerned about hiding your breast or the fact that you are breastfeeding in public.

  • Slip into a women’s lounge, dressing room or any other private space. Remember though, you and your baby’s comfort and health are of utmost importance so if you don’t feel comfortable in these places for some reason, don’t use them.

  • Practice at home.In front of a mirror you can see what positions are best so that your nipple is not exposed.


baby sucking mum's breast

Breastfeeding: A natural part of life
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  • Become angry if criticised. There will always be some people who pass negative comments about breastfeeding in public or ask you not to, but remember it is your legal right to do so. Therefore, calmly explain to them that it is legal and why you have chosen to do so, you might just get more supporters for public breastfeeding. Though, some people might just be easier to ignore, be aware of them.

  • Worry about accidental exposure. A worried or uncomfortable facial expression will draw more attention to yourself, if you are relaxed chances are people won’t give you a second look.

  • Avoid breastfeeding. You and your baby are what matter, if your baby needs to feed, feed him. At no time should you deny your baby his nutrition and the people around you should understand that.

  • Be embarrassed. Breastfeeding is a natural part of life, which everyone experiences at some point in their lives, even men who breastfed as infants. Also remember, the more women breastfeed in public, the less taboo it will be, so feel free to do exactly what nature intended.

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