c-sections - Pregnancy


umbilical cord blood ha slife saving stem cells

Umbilical cord blood banking

Banking umbilical cord blood is a growing trend as the stem cells umbilical cord blood contains are proving to successfully treat a wide range of severe diseases and disorders and there is even more hope for future uses of these stem cells. However, the use of umbilical cord blood and its stem cells is still […]

Caesarian section

C-sections: risks

  C-sections, like any medical procedure, are accompanied by certain risks. For this reason, if you plan to undergo an elective C-section it is important that you understand what risks you will be taking. In the event you have to undergo an emergency C-section, it is because a vaginal birth presents an even greater risk […]

Newborn after a C-section

C-sections: reasons

There are several reasons why some mothers have no choice but to undergo a C-section in order to give birth. These can be pregnancy or labour related reasons. Either way, we at the-pregnancy.net thought it would be a good idea to give you a list of all of the posssible pregnancy and labour related complications […]

Doctors carrying out a C-section


C-sections, which are also known as Caesarean sections, are surgical procedures that some mothers undergo in order to deliver their babies. In a C-section two incisions are made through your abdomen and uterus. The abdominal incision will either be horizontal across your lower abdomen, approximately where your bikini line begins, or vertical from your belly […]

Mum holding belly

PPH risk factors

There are several risk factors for PPH, but these risk factors tend to be few and far between. Below is a list of the possible risk factorsjust so you can get an idea. antepartum haemorrhage placenta previa multiple pregnancy pre-eclampsia nulliparity a previous PPH maternal obesity Asian ethnic origin C-sections (planned and emergency, though emergency […]

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