Breastfeeding in public has been a controversial topic for a while now, but why exactly do people think something natural is inappropriate? Are there really that many people who are opposed to it?
According to a recent survey, only 16% of people in the UK believe that breastfeeding in public is inappropriate, yet 2 out of every 3 women fear doing it because of public opinion. It seems a bit strange that most people aren’t bothered by it, but a majority mothers have been made to feel uncomfortable, doesn’t it? We think it’s a case of a few spoiling it for everyone, because those few tend to make more noise than the majority who accept breastfeeding as the natural process that it is.
For example, in 2011 Facebook removed pictures of women breastfeeding, because they said it violated the pornographic regulations of their website’s photos. Cases like this make it understandable that so many women feel uncomfortable breastfeeding in public. People have attached a sexual taboo to the act, which undermines one of life’s natural processes and makes mothers feel as if they are doing something wrong, when in fact they are not. After much public protest Facebook did re-upload those photos, however did it once again two months later in 2012.
Breastfeeding in public is considered by a select few as inappropriate for one reason only: they believe it is too sexually revealing, some opponents have even likened it to having sex in a public place. We at do not share this opinion and we hope all you mums and mums-to-be don’t either. Breastfeeding is a natural part of being a mother and we firmly believe you should take pride in your role, don’t let someone tell you it’s wrong, because it’s 100% legal and feeding your baby is NEVER wrong.
Tell us your feelings about breastfeeding in public? Have you ever had a negative experience? Do you have any advice for mums who are nervous about breastfeeding in public?
If you’re worried about breastfeeding in public check out our list of do’s and don’ts, we hope they help!