- Pregnancy
  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 9 months ago

    You may find yourself wondering whether breastfeeding or baby formula is the best option is for you and your baby. If you want to know about the benefits of breastfeeding you can find that right here too! But, […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago

    The Alexander Technique is differs from other childbirth classes, as it is not specifically designed for just labour and delivery. Many people attend these classes because they are known for helping with:

    <ol style="text-align: […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago

    ThumbnailHypnobirthing classes use the Mongon Method, which is a unique method of relaxed, natural, childbirth education that is enhanced by a self-hypnosis technique. Many women prefer to try hypnobirthing, as it […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago

    Thumbnail‘It’s about Mothers, Babies, Families, Birthing Naturally’
    The Bradley Method is a series of classes that are designed to provide individual attention. The classes are small and usually run for 12 weeks covering […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago

    ThumbnailThe International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA) is an organisation that supports health care workers who encorage your freedom of choice by providing you with information about every possible aspect of […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago

    ThumbnailWhat are lamaze classes?
    Lamaze is a non-profit organisation that promotes a natural, healthy and the safe approach to a woman’s pregnancy, labour and early parenting. The classes will help guide you through the […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago


    You may be wondering why you should participate in childbirth classes with your partner when there is so much information available in books and online explaining the entire process of labour and […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 10 months ago

    ThumbnailIf you have decided to attend childbirth classes, you may be overwhelmed with the variety of different classes that are curently available. We are here to help you and guide you so that you can make the best […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago

    Your pregnancy diet is very important, because your body is working hard to prepare for the arrival of your little one. It is essential that you take care of yourself, drink enough water and get all of the […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago

    Firstly you need to make sure that you are drinking your 8 glasses of water a day! If you find that you constantly need to go to the bathroom during the night, then schedule when you are going to drink water. […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago

    ThumbnailIt is important to snack throughout the day when you are pregnant, because as you will notice or maybe have already noticed, you can’t eat as much as you used to in one sitting especially as your due date […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago

    ThumbnailDinner can be a hard meal to face during pregnancy, because you may not feel very hungry when dinner time rolls around. However, you should still try to eat something, because you and your baby both need those […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago

    A big lunch is not a must, in fact during your pregnancy, it’s better to have a few small meals throughout the day rather than three big meals. So keep it simple and embrace snack-time! Remember, your stomach is […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 11 months ago

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make sure you are eating a nutritious breakfast everyday. It will also help to keep your energy levels up until lunchtime!
    Here are some ideas for a healthy […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 12 months ago

    ThumbnailIf you are going on holiday, visiting a friend or even moving country while pregnant you are going to need to know about all of the flight regulations out there, otherwise you won’t be going anywhere!

    Here […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 11 years, 12 months ago

    ThumbnailIf you are having difficulty conceiving the first step is to find out why you are having problems and whether you are able to solve them. If you have been having regular unprotected sex for over a year then it is […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 12 years ago

    ThumbnailWhat are ovulation problems?
    Ovulation probelms are when your body is unable to release an egg from your ovaries during your monthly cycle therefore, if no egg is released you are unable to conceive.

    The […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 12 years ago

    How do I tell if my fallopian tubes are blocked?
    If you have noticed that you are having difficulty conceiving then the first thing you should do is visit your physician to discuss the matter.

    Your doctor […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 12 years ago

    Your fallopian tubes are the small tubes which connect your ovaries and uterus. When you ovulate, your ovaries release an egg which then has to travel to your womb in order for conception to occur. Your egg makes […]

  • sabrina wrote a new post 12 years ago

    ThumbnailMany women find themselves not knowing whether they should choose breastfeeding or formula when it comes to feeding their newborns. So we thought it would be a good idea to talk you through the benefitsof […]

The pregnancy of sabrina

She's not pregnant

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