pregnancy hormones - Pregnancy - Page 3

pregnancy hormones

Managing your clumsiness

Unfortunately, you can’t avoid clumsiness during your pregnancy, but you can manage it by being more careful. Here are some suggestions to help you avoid the falls and constant dropping of objects that accompany your pregnancy clumsiness. Walk slowly. Especially if you are on wet, icy or uneven surfaces, which if you can, you should […]

Pregnancy symptoms


You’ve probably noticed, or soon will, that you’re more clumsy than ever before. This is because clumsiness is a common pregnancy symptom that worsens as your pregnancy progresses. Luckily, your balance and dexterity will be back to normal shortly after you give birth. Clumsiness is a very annoying pregnancy symptom, because it prevents you from […]

pregnancy symptom


Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are an unpleasant, but not unavoidable pregnancy symptom, many expectant mothers experience. They are a type of varicose vein found in your rectal area, which means they are basically swollen rectal blood vessels caused by the excess pressure placed on your vena cava by your ever expanding uterus and your […]

pregnancy symptom


Constipation can be quite an embarrassing pregnancy symptom to talk about, but it affects around 50% of all pregnant women so there really is no need to be embarrassed. Constipation is probably best described as difficult and infrequent bowel movements which are accompanied by some mild abdominal discomfort and pain. However, if your constipation is […]

pregnancy symptoms


One of the most common pregnancy symptoms is fatigue, that constant feeling of pure exhaustion. This pregnancy symptom is so common that most women will experience it before they even know they are pregnant! Fatigue is at its worst during your first and third trimesters and tends to ease during the second trimester of your […]

Stopping a nosebleed

The following steps that should be taken in order to stop a nosebleed were obtained by the British National Health Service (NHS) and are approved by healthcare specialists associated with this government service. Sit down and firmly pinch the soft part of your nasal cavity, just above your nostrils, for 10 minutes. Lean forward and […]

Avoiding nosebleeds

No one enjoys getting a nosebleed. They are inconvenient, unpleasant and just plain annoying. However, during your pregnancy you do run a risk of experiencing more nosebleeds than normal, because as a result of your body’s hormonal changes nosebleeds are a common pregnancy symptom . Fortunately, there are steps you can take to avoid nosebleeds […]

pregnancy symptoms


It is quite likely that during your pregnancy you will experience a nosebleed at least once. Don’t worry, this is a completely normal pregnancy symptom that is harmless, though it can be quite an inconvenient and unpleasant experience. Like varicose veins and hemorrhoids, nosebleeds are the result of extra progesterone in your body which relaxes […]

Treating pregnancy acne

Pregnancy acne is an unpleasant pregnancy symptom, but there are certain steps you can take to treat and prevent pregnancy acne. Many are the same tips you heard while you were growing up, because as it turns out there’s no difference between pregnancy acne and teenage acne, do you feel younger? Wash your face gently […]

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